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This document serves as a guide on accessing Compute resources through Iagon, and covers instructions on building applications with both Iagon Storage and Iagon Compute.

How to gain access to compute

  1. Please fill the Google form via here
  2. Users will get a link for further on-boarding via email.
  3. Follow the instructions of that link, to get access.

How to build with Iagon storage

  1. Purchase a storage subscription from our app here
  2. Set a file encryption password (this password will be required for uploading and downloading private files)
  3. Generate a new access token to use it with the api. To generate an access token:
    • Click on profile icon on the top right of the screen
    • Click on settings options.
    • On the settings page click on the “Generate Token” button.
    • A popup asking to enter a name for the token will appear, enter a name for the token and hit the generate button.
    • A new access token will be generated, hit the copy button to copy the token and save it somewhere to use it later
    • Users will not be able to view the access token once the popup is closed.
  4. Visit API docs to view the documentation for publicly available api endpoints.
  5. Use the generated access token with api for authentication and start building.

How to build with Iagon compute

  1. Gain access to compute from the first section above.
  2. The source code of the Node.js application to be deployed should be hosted in a public git repository.
  3. Navigate to the dApps section of the Webhost page on the web dashboard.
  4. Click on the “Launch your first dApp” button.
  5. A popup with a form for authentication will appear, use the access token from step 1 to be authorized to purchase a Compute subscription.
  6. Once authorized, the user can choose a subscription to run the application, if no subscription is available a new subscription can be purchased from here.
  7. Select a subscription and click on next.
  8. A form will appear, the form will contain following fields:
    • Name: A name for the application
    • Node version: Choose the required Node version to ensure compatibility and stability.
    • Repo link: Link to the public repository containing source code for the application (ending in .git)
    • Port: Port in which the application will be listening. (leave blank if the application does not listen to any port)
    • Github branch name: Branch Name: Specify the GitHub branch name to ensure the correct version of the code is used.
    • Build command: Script from package.json which should be executed to build the application. (leave blank if building is not required)
    • Run command: Script from package.json which should be executed to run the application.
    • Add environment variables by entering the variable name in the key field and value in the value field.
    • Click on the “Add Env” button to add more variables.
  9. Click on the next button to deploy the application.
  10. A new screen will appear, containing the deployment logs.
  11. Once the application is deployed successfully, the visit button will be enabled which will link to the base url of the application just deployed.

Help Link: Build a dApp using Iagon Compute here


Node.js LTS versions 16, 18, and 20 are currently supported. All developments should be done using one of these versions.