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Staking Platform


The Staking Platform is a platform where IAG token holders can participate in the Iagon network by delegating their tokens to nodes, contributing to their total stake in exchange for a share of the node's earnings. The Staking Platform interacts directly with the blockchain indexer to offer real-time updates on storage stake and delegation.

From a user's perspective, the Staking Platform is a closed ecosystem as it interacts directly only with the Adagio protocol and Fermato

Delegated staking works similar to node staking and is subject to the same 3 month withdrawal period. Delegated staking positions can also be liquidated at any time on the Staking Platform's Market. The buyer of a delegated position from the Market earns any future earnings for that position, and the seller keeps their accumulated earnings.

Reputation Score

The Reputation Score is a rating from 0 to 72 calculated based on the node's performance and uptime history. This score impacts the node's earnings.

Position Health Index (PHI)

The Position Health Index or PHI is a health score for delegation positions that compares the node operator's stake and earnings shares to the delegators’ ones, helping you find the most value for your tokens.

PHI Formula:

PHI = operator_stake_share * (1 - operator_rewards_share) * 100

The operator's stake share (based on token quantity, not resources staked) increases as the market price of the IAG token also increases, due to the unstaked resources requiring less tokens to stake. Thus, PHI scores will both increase and decrease with the price of IAG.

Return on Delegation (ROD)

Return on Delegation is a metric that shows the percentage of rewardsreturn on a delegator's token delegation in a delegated position, similar to the widely used Return on Investment (ROI) metric.

Quick Delegate


The Quick Delegate feature allows token holders to delegate their tokens to a node quickly and easily by optionally selecting a few simple filtering and sorting parameters and being matched with the most suitable node or nodes based on the amount of tokens they want to delegate and the parameters they selected.


The Swap feature allows users to quickly and easily purchase the best available delegated staking positions listed on the Market.

Sell a Delegated Position

The Sell feature allows the owner of a delegated staking position to list their position for sale on the Market. The position is then matched with a buyer and the transaction is executed by an orderbook batcher. This feature allows delegated positions to be liquidated quickly, avoiding the 3 month withdrawal period. Any accumulated earnings still belong to the seller, and any future earnings will go to the buyer.

Increase Delegation

The Increase Delegation feature allows users to increase the amount of tokens they have delegated to a node they're already delegating to. This is done by adding more tokens to the existing delegation position, and requires the node to have the resources to accommodate the additional stake.

Withdraw Delegated IAG

The Withdraw feature allows users to withdraw their IAG tokens from a delegated position. This requires a 3 month waiting period, during which the node's commitment will be reduced and data/tasks may be moved to other nodes. After the 3 month period, the IAG tokens will be withdrawable from the Staking Platform.

Launching a Delegated Node

Node operators can selected Delegated Node as an option while launching a new node, or can convert an existing node to a Delegated Node by selecting the option on the node's details page. The latter option effectively resizes the node, committing more resources to the network, and making those additional resources available for delegation.