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This page defines the terminology that Iagon uses throughout this documentation.

App(s)Any application, script or task hosted with Iagon Compute.
BenchmarkA multifaceted but brief resource stress test for nodes to quantify the performance readings of the host system.
ClaimThe action of moving earnings out of the platform's smart contract and into one's own wallet.
Commit, Commitment, CommittedAllocate a specific quantity of a host system's resources to the Iagon network.
Compute (product)A stream of the Iagon network that hosts any tasks such as app hosting. Can include file hosting, but separate from Storage.
CycloneA physical server purpose-built and configured by Iagon specifically to run a Node in a plug-and-play manner.
Cyclone OSA Linux operating system distribution that is pre-packaged with Iagon Storage and Compute node as well as all of their dependencies.
Delegator(s)Person/party that offers their IAG tokens to a node to increase its stake in exchange for an earnings sharing agreement.
Delegate, Delegated, DelegationThe act of contributing IAG tokens via Iagon's Staking Platform to a node to increase its total stake and thus commit more resources.
Delegation RequestA listing on Iagon's Staking Platform requesting IAG Tokens from delegators for a node to increase its total stake and thus commit more resources.
Earning(s)The combination of rewards and fees.
Epoch(s)(ly)A time period of 5 days, scheduled to Cardano's epochs.
Fantasy Brawl (product)A unique sports fantasy league experience built using Iagon Storage and Compute.
FeesMonthly ADA Token earnings for node operators and delegators based on node performance. These ADA Tokens are earned from subscriptions.
HealthSafe (product)A decentralized digital health portal designed to securely store and manage healthcare records, journals, and information.
IAG Token(s)The native token of the Iagon protocol, minted on the Cardano blockchain with the ticker "IAG", used for staking towards resource commitments and to earn rewards.
LaunchInitiate a new node on the Iagon network.
LedgerFlow (product)A multifaceted financial platform that includes both individual and multisignature wallet management, bill issuance and payments, as well as tax tracking.
MarginPercentage from a node's earnings offered to delegators by a node operator via the Staking Platform.
MigrateThe act of changing the host system of a node and repopulating the data held by that node on the new host system.
Network ExplorerA decentralized network of interconnected nodes that process backend tasks for Iagon's Storage and compute networks, including file distribution and data availability logging.
Node(s)An application that makes the host system's resources available on the Iagon network; or processes tasks for the Iagon network.
Operator(s)A person or party that hosts and manages a node.
Quick Delegate/DelegationQuickly aggregate the best nodes according to search filters and delegate IAG tokens to them in order of potential profitability.
Request(ing)(ed) DelegationThe act of requesting IAG tokens from delegators via Iagon's Staking Platform for a Node to increase its total Stake and thus commit more resources.
ResizeThe action of increasing or reducing a node's commitment.
Return on Delegation (ROD)The annualized returns of delegated IAG tokens as a percentage.
Return on Stake (ROS)The annualized returns of staked IAG tokens as a percentage.
RewardsEpochly IAG token earnings for Node operators and delegators based on node performance. These IAG tokens are designated in Iagon's tokenomics.
ShardingA method for splitting and distributing files across multiple Storage nodes.
SMESmall and medium Enterprise.
Stake(d)The IAG token deposit required to operate a Node.
Staking (Platform) (product)A platform on the Iagon website that connects node operators with delegators to deposit delegation to nodes that require more stake to increase their commitment.
Storage (product)A stream of the Iagon network that specifically hosts files for any given timeline distributed among nodes.
Subscriber(s)A person or party that pays a subscription to use Iagon services.
Subscription(s)An agreement to utilize resources on the Iagon network for an agreed-upon monthly or annual payment cost.
SubnetworkA subset of nodes catered to specific subscriber needs, such as nodes only in a specific region; or having a specific minimum bandwidth.
SwapQuickly exchange ADA for IAG tokens that are already delegated, or delegated IAG tokens for ADA.
Transfer (product)A file sharing platform for storage subscribers to quickly share files with expiring links that can be encrypted with a password.
WithdrawRemove IAG tokens from an active delegated, ending the earnings sharing agreement.